Kannunvalajat organizes traditional and new events throughout the year. To stay up-to-date with our upcoming events, follow our social media channels.

Kannunvalajat organizes dozens of events each year, ranging from coffee gatherings and annual celebrations to sports events and sitz parties. The largest student event of the year, Valtsikan Vappu, is also always organized by Kannunvalajat.
Events are held frequently in the student spaces managed by the association, such as Kuppala and Kannuklusteri at the New Student House, as well as in rented venues.
Student advocacy
In addition to organizing events, a central part of the association's activities is student advocacy. This primarily involves maintaining communication with the faculty's administration, participating in various committees, and addressing current issues. Our members also have the opportunity to engage with the faculty’s leadership through events we organize, such as Coffee with the Dean.
Traditions and History
Over its nearly 80-year history, Kannunvalajat has developed various customs and traditions. All members of the Faculty of Social Sciences are welcome to participate in events held throughout the year, regardless of their study program or year of study.
Join us!
Laskiainen (Shrove Tuesday)
Shrove Tuesday is the first student event of the year. Kannunvalajat gather early in the morning at Ullanlinnanmäki to go sledding and enjoy pastries. Afterward, they relax at Kuppala for an After Ski event, and in the evening, they celebrate at the interdisciplinary Laskuhumala party.

Vappu (May Day)
Vappu is the largest student event of the spring. The week of Vappu, consisting of various events organized by student associations, culminates on Vappu Eve with Valtsikan Vappu celebrated in the yard of Kuppala. After the traditional hatting of the statue of J.V. Snellman and an amazing after-party, the celebration continues the next morning at Ullanlinnanmäki for Vappu Day.

The Annual Ball
The annual celebration, or "vujut," marks the anniversary of the association's founding. Kannunvalajat's annual celebration takes place on the second weekend of May. The event is a prestigious occasion featuring traditions, fine food and drinks, and various entertainment segments. The dress code is formal attire or a dark suit, along with academic honors and insignia.
Neppis Grand Prix
Neppis is a competitive racing game played with small toy cars on sand. The Valtsikan Neppis Tournament, held at Suomenlinna, traditionally concludes the spring semester on the last weekend of May. Participants can compete in either the non-alcoholic Vauhti series or the alcoholic Gambina series. Attendees are welcome both as competitors and spectators.

Fresher Events
Each fall, Kannunvalajat organizes events for new students, where they can get to know each other across study program boundaries! Traditional freshman events include KannuGames, the Valtsika Fresher Party, and Freshman Sitz.

Sports events
Kannunvalajat ensures that there are also athletic activities available for Valtsika students. Traditional sports events include the Valtsika 5 & 10 running event in the spring.

Sitsit (Sitz)
Sitzes are academic table celebrations that include food, drinks, songs, and speeches. In addition to organizing their own sitz parties, Kannunvalajat also arranges collaborative sitz parties with other student associations.
...and much more!
Kannunvalajat events are open to all students of the Faculty of Social Sciences—welcome to join us!
Helsingin yliopiston valtiotieteellisen tiedekunnan opiskelijajärjestö Kannunvalajat ry on perustettu vuonna 1945 valvomaan opiskelijoidensa etua niin tiedekunnan sisällä kuin laajemmin yhteiskunnassa. Nykyään noin 3000 jäsenen opiskelijajärjestö on valtiotieteellisen tiedekunnan vanhin ja suurin järjestö.
Mannerheimintie 5 A, 3. krs
00100 Helsinki
Ota yhteyttä
+358 41 310 9783
© 2024. Kannunvalajat ry.